“Only through learning about cyberbullying and how to identify it,
can we stop cyberbullying quickly and consistently”

Currently in Namibia with technological advancement, the youth is exposed to different forms of technological devices with various functions and capabilities, such as laptops, tablets, or cellphones from a young age.
In this new technological era, the youth no longer only talk when they meet at school, but do so 24 hours from the comfort of their homes.

This has resulted in what is called cyberbullying. Unlike, the traditional bullying at school, with this technological age, bullies no longer have faces or names, and regrettably, most parents are uninformed about this new trend nor do they know how to respond to cyber bullying and the emotional effects it has on the youth.

For this reason, it is important for the youth, parents, other parents in the community as well as educational institutions to educate themselves on cyberbullying.

stopcyberbullying.namibia.to created by final year law students in support of the community impact project